Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Hitler Syndrome

Note:  This one is from January, 2014.

I admit it.  I have a hard time not saying things that need to be said.  I also have a hard time admitting things that are not true.  I say this because of recent events in school this week.

This program director and his cohorts have taken a disliking to me lately, ever since I outed them on their unethical practice of including items on exams that are from a unit to come.  They ambushed me and gave me their version of a third degree interrogation.  These ambushes are common for these people, who do not give unsuspecting students a chance to prepare a defense for what they claim are the students' "offenses".  The past couple of weeks, it has been my turn to be their victim.

I have had several major tragedies in my life as of late, none of which is any of their business.  I repeat, NONE OF WHICH IS ANY OF THEIR BUSINESS!  *whew*  That felt good to write.  These idiots think it is their right to pry into people's lives and that they, in their beneficence, will come to save the day.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  When you beat a horse constantly, there is going to come a point when the horse will turn on you or will just stop getting up.  That is where I am with this.  I have been beaten and harrassed constantly by these people, and this horse stopped getting up.  I have not turned on anyone; I have just stopped saying anything about my personal life.

A person's personal life will give many insights into what is going on in their head which, again, is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!  My life is my life.  I am passing my classes and doing the best I can.  And being in a physical therapy program, imagine my surprise when they decided to give me a hard time when I experienced a fall in my kitchen and came in to class with my foot wrapped and on a cane.  Got that?  I CHOSE TO COME IN instead of going to the doctor at that point.  I did go to the doctor later on, but was that good enough for these morons?  No no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  They gave me a hard time about not performing lifts that day.  So I came in with my doctor's note the next day.  And they decided to write me an "official letter" outlining my offenses.  Whatever.  I am not the only one they are doing this to; they seem to want to alienate the entire class 2 weeks before spring break and our next clinical.  I am personally fed up with them and their guerilla tactics, as is the rest of the class.  We had a guest speaker the other day who was a graduate of this program.  The class discussed this amongst ourselves later on, and all of us agreed that there was NO WAY that we would ever come back and do a class for these idiots.  They have burned their bridges with us, when they should have been building them all this time.

So congratulations, morons.  You have completely alienated the very people that could help you make this program less tedious and boring.  You have given us a reason to not keep in touch with you.  Why would we?  You are unapproachable.  You are unpleasant.  You are pricks.  We have no reason to ever want to even remember your names when we are done.  I can guarantee with about 95% accuracy that you will never hear from any of us again.  So if that was your goal, you made it.  Congratulations.

What idiots.


Paczki Puta

P.S.  This is a series of posts that I am writing and saving to be published after I am safely out of their reach.  The provost will receive a letter from me as well.  I don't have to save the world, but these people should not be in charge either.

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