Friday, August 2, 2013

101 Things To Do Over My Summer Break

Okay, so maybe I don't have 101 things to do, but I can get darned close if I try.  Today is my last day of the summer semester, and it has been eye-opening, so let's start with that. This past semester held some revelations for me:

Firstly, I had a "friend" whose true self manifested during this semester, and I have decided to do without her in my life.  It's not that I couldn't tolerate her behavior, but I choose to only have stable people in the Third Act.  Everyone has their ups and downs, but this one needs to be on Ritalin.  Enough!

Secondly, I really AM as smart as I think I am, and am hoping that I will advance to the next stage of the program to prove it to myself.  My gut tells me that I will advance, but there is always that chance that I won't.  We'll see.  Grades come out next week.

Thirdly, I have decided that if I don't make it through the program, I am not going to continue in school.  At that point, I feel like I would be beating a dead horse, and for what?  My kielbasa business is doing well, and I can focus on that.  So, no more school after this unless I make it through, and then I will go on to OT school.

Now with all that being said, today I have my last exam and a field trip to a burn unit.  I am looking forward to being done so I can focus on other things.  My house has gone to hell over the last 10 weeks, and I am going to get that back in order.  So, here's my list of what I can expect of myself in the next 3 weeks.

1.  Get old armoire and turn it into a quilt cabinet.  Actually, I have this one under control.  I am picking up the armoire tomorrow.  Granted, I have to rent a truck to do it, but it will get done.

2.  Make 100 pounds of kielbasa.  I have pre-orders of 32 pounds for this batch, but I am sure as these clients spread the word, more are on the way.  I have given out "tastes" of cooked kielbasa to several clients, with rave reviews.

3.  Get back on my diet and exercise!  This is a biggie.  It can't wait any longer.  I have my kitchen in order, so I can plan many nutritious meals.  A combination of great meals and progressive exercise will result in a loss of 3% bodyfat in the next 3 weeks.  That's what I'm shooting for.  Also, I want to make it a habit again.  I'm tired of exercise falling by the wayside and my health suffering for it.  So Step #1 will be to plan my fat attack on paper (tonight), and to take my measurements tomorrow morning.  I hate to see what kind of damage has been done to my body, but after I take the measurements, I will put that piece of paper away until I take them again.  No use in stressing about it.  Just suck it up, soldier, and move on.

4.  Mending, mending, mending... I have so much of it that I have to put it on the list or it won't get done.

5.  Re-cover 2 dining room chairs.  I can do it myself, and have in the past.  So 2 will get covered.

6.  Move more monkey grass.  I have been moving monkey grass to cover a very barren piece of our property.  The oak tree soaks up any nutrients in that area, and the only thing I know for sure that I can't kill is monkey grass.  So I will move some more of those buggers and hope for the best.

7.  Get to know my guitar again.  I just had my guitar worked on so it will be easier for me to play, and I want to take full advantage of it.  I need it after this semester of killing my brain cells.

8.  Get some watch batteries.  I have lots of watches, and almost all of them need a new battery.  Geesh.

9.  Get new lights for the front of the house.  The old ones look pitiful.  Time for some new friends.

10.  Refresh your memory on kinesiology.

I guess that's not 101, but only 10, but it's 10 big ones.  Anyone who wants me to make myself nuts coming up with the other 91 things, can write me.  I'm sure I can come up with something inane and useless.

Wish I could just take a vacation...


Paczki Puta

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