Friday, October 26, 2012

New Directions

Yesterday I wrote about quitting.  I have had time to think about it since then, and I have decided that I was absolutely right.  I have decided to follow my passion and go to PTA school instead of nursing.  Thank goodness I'm getting out now.  If I waited until I was further along in the program, I'm afraid I might really hurt someone... like ME!

A year ago, I applied for the PTA program at Southwest.  I had a 4.0 GPA, membership and officer of Phi Theta Kappa, Honors Academy, leadership awards, letters of recommendation, becoming a published author and certifications in personal training.  I had absolutely NO doubt in my mind that I would be accepted.  I was wrong.  I was turned down in favor of students with a 2.2 GPA.  I was hurt.  So were a lot of other people.  There was a big hullaballoo about it.  Other people made a stink.  I didn't say a word. I was just stunned.

I was suddenly left with all of these hopes and dreams that were dashed, and a whole lot of medical pre-req's that I had no idea what to do with.  I didn't want to go into nursing.  I wanted PTA.  Reluctantly, I applied to Loewenberg School of Nursing and was accepted.  I thought I could talk myself into liking it.  I was wrong again.

It isn't what I want.  So after much deliberation, blood, sweat and tears, and after talking it over with my family, I am making a course correction.  I am going to finish up some of these classes that I can't seem to get out of, but I will skip the ones I absolutely hate.  Practicum.  Ugh.  I can't stand it.  I'm not doing one more care plan and I'm not going to pretend anymore. After finishing up some of the other classes, I have decided to take some classes that I actually have an interest in.  Astronomy, Weather and Climate... and then I will be in the PTA program at Concorde. 

I am ecstatic at my decision.  I didn't know it would feel this way, to have that nursing school weight lifted off of me and have my course straightened.  Big thanks to my family for helping me to see it clearly and make an informed decision.  I am happier than I have been in the 8 weeks that I have been in nursing school.  Just knowing that there is an end in sight is major.  I can go about my method of learning and excelling, and then walk away, knowing that I have no regrets. 

What a great way to end a day.


Paczki Puta

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