Sunday, February 1, 2015

An Open Letter to the Universe

Note:  this is one of a series of blogs which I wrote previously, and am now publishing.  This one is from January, 2014.

Dear Universe/Source/God,

My family needs help.  We have done our best with everything you have given us, but still we are almost destitute and don't know where to turn or what to do next.  My husband is still looking for a job that will pay the bills, as is my son.  I am still in school with a workload that would make the strongest people cry.

We are just a couple of months away from losing our house.  I don't know how we will pay all the bills that are stacking up against us.  It's only a short period of time before our electricity, phone, internet, cable and security system are turned off.  We are being hounded by bill collectors.  Haven't we suffered enough?

I wake up each morning in a city that I have hated for almost 32 years.  Have I not suffered enough?  What is it going to take before you are satisfied that I have done my penance for whatever wrong you think I have committed?  When are you going to show us the "grace" and "mercy" that you promised?  Have I not honored your creation?  What... WHAT is it going to TAKE?????  WHEN is it MY turn to be comforted???  I have long since atoned for everything I have done.  Please show me that you have not forgotten your promises to me.

If ever we needed a miracle, it is now.  Please help us.


Paczki Puta

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