I've had quite a few people ask me what I'm doing regarding my health, and I've promised to post the formula. Yes, there is a formula. You're not gonna like it, folks. It's rough. It's tough. And I've made the commitment to do it. So, for the brave... here it is.
Nutrition (Notice I did not say DIET.)
I keep my nutrient ratios as close to this as I can:
30% protein (lean meats and NOTHING CURED)
20% fat (olive oil, avocado, peanut butter)
50% complex carbohydrates (you know, the kind found in nature)
Yes, calories DO count. So count them back. There is a great little program out there that you can use online for free. Yes, I said FREE. Free is a magic word to me. The site is www.fitday.com. There you can record all your food and activities. AND your weight. You cannot post your calipers there. If anyone needs help with calipers, I can do it for you. What is a caliper, you ask? It's a bodyfold measurement of your fat. Yeah, it's ugly, I know. But in order to go somewhere, you've got to know where you've been. There is a magic caloric number for every person. Mine is 1667. So I stay below that most days.
You notice I did not say exercise. People freak out when I use the "E" word. So we're going to call this "activity".
I activate 6 days out of 7. I make myself rest on the 7th day, just usually because I'm sore by then.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays... these are my long gym days. I will spend 2 hours in the gym doing activity.
Five minutes of warmup on the treadmill. This is NOT optional, folks! You have to warm up! Your body will thank you, and I won't have to nag you.
30 to 40 minutes of circuit training. I variate between the two. This is weight training. Yeah yeah, I know... you think you'll look like a muscle man... it hurts... blah blah blah. Don't talk to me about how it hurts. I'M doing it! I work every part of the body I can. And it ain't pretty. I sweat, I grunt like a pig, and I'm exhilarated when I'm done.
15 minutes of core training. Again, not optional. Your core is what holds you in and makes you strong. I use The Bean and run the workout on my laptop while I follow along. Don't laugh. That extra cushioning that The Bean gives me is just enough to keep me from hurting my spine.
30 minutes of cardio. There. I said it. Cardio. Yuck. I hate cardio. So I turn on some tunes and get on my hurricycle. Ever see one of those exercycles with the big fan on the front and the handles that alternate going up and back? That's my cardio demon machine. I do it. So should you.
30 minutes of yoga. The slow, stretching kind, not the power yoga that seems to be so popular. Those people are crazy. Hatha yoga... just stretch every part of the body that you worked. Start with the toes and work your way up. Ladies, we spend money on pedicures. Work the feet! Stretch them out! They're so integral to your life. I know what it was like not to be able to walk for 6 months. Treat your feet special.
Now... for those of you who are still following me...
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays... Okay, most Saturdays...
Cardio and yoga. Sometimes I will use my Saturday for outside work in the yard. That's okay, as long as you're not pulling a couple of weeds and then looking for someone to mercifully save you from the rest. DO IT! I did. This weekend, we put down mulch and I weeded 2 flower beds. Then I transplanted a lot of plants in one of those beds now that it was nice and clean. I spent at least 3 hours out there and I was still at it long after the rest of my house inhabitants gave up.
Think all of this is tough and I'm just a glutton for punishment? Oh hell yeah, it is... and I'm not. When I was younger, I got up two hours earlier just so I could get in a workout before work. If I don't do it in the morning, I won't do it. So I make this an appointment with myself now. It's an appointment I won't break because I'm worth it. I'm worth all the sweat it takes to get my health back. Aren't you? Did you know that 80% of women over the age of 70 can't lift a bag of groceries? I don't want to be one of those. So who's with me? Take your vitamins, and let's get started.
Paczki Puta
Monday, October 26, 2009
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