It's amazing how a new hairdo can re-energize your outlook. On Saturday, I took the plunge and cut it off! Eight inches! My hair is finally up to my shoulders, and is giving me the impetus to make more changes. I'm working on "making over" the total ME! In making myself over, I decided that I couldn't do what I intended with my health unless I got rid of the hair. So it's gone. And it feels good.
So here I am... working up energy on my new workout and nutrition plan. I refuse to call it a diet. The fact is, it's a nutrition plan that is helping me to feel better than I have in a really long time. A little of this, a little of that... and LOTS of cooking! I don't mind cooking... in fact, I really like it when I have time to do it right. This is a little more than I expected, but this site that I'm using to help me (www.sparkpeople.com) is making it all very easy for me. Not only does it work up a nutrition plan that works, it allows me to print out a grocery list and keep track of my water intake and servings of fruit and veggies, not to mention keeping track of physical activity. I have found a lot of support there, and I'm grateful for it. It's slow-going, but it's working. Three pounds down, and another 67 to go.
It's a very difficult thing to make the decision to take care of yourself and follow through on it. The weight gain over the past 6 years has been abominable. One thing seems to lead to another as well. The weight gain has caused physical problems, and the health issues have led to medications which fuel the weight gain. It's a never-ending downward spiral if you don't stop it in time. That's what I'm doing. Stopping it. NOW. I inherited my mother's body, and I want mine back! My mother spent a lifetime battling morbid obesity and paid the ultimate price in her health. I don't want that to happen to me or anyone in my home. In fact, it should never happen to anyone. I want to be able to walk without pain, to dance, and to have enough strength in my legs to be able to mount a horse. The last time I got up on a horse, I couldn't get up there without help. Even with a boost, my poor husband had to give my behind a shove. How embarrassing! Now I know how my mother felt, not being able to do things that she wanted to do... things that her body wouldn't let her do. It's funny, when I was growing up, my mother used to tell me to watch my weight... that my father had never cared whether she gained weight or not, so she kept putting it on with each child. The result was 235 pounds on a 5'2" frame and a lifetime of health problems.
You don't think about the high price you're going to pay for not taking care of yourself... of putting everyone else first. But it's there... ticking away like a time bomb set to explode at any time. "But I was just busy taking care of everyone else", you say. But it's wrong. Dead wrong. You're drawing from an empty well if you put yourself last. Seeing what obesity did to my own mother makes me want to do more than just lose weight. When I get through this, I want to spend whatever time I have left on this planet helping others who, like me, have to wage this battle. It's uphill all the way, but more than anything, I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. And I will. This time it's for keeps.
Paczki Puta
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