We've had it rough for the past 10 years, my family and I. There have been family losses, job losses and opportunity losses. We've had health challenges, financial challenges and emotional challenges. Most people would not have come through all of this in one piece. But we are not most people, and we are protected by angels.
Yes, I believe in angels. If there was ever any doubt, it vanished last week when my husband had a life-threatening event and almost lost his life. Wednesday started out as any normal day. Well, as normal as they could be since Steve started his new job. This job has put us on different schedules and has become taxing on all of us. Anyway, I said goodbye that morning with a kiss and my usual "have a good day." What I didn't realize is that everything that matters to you can be taken away in the blink of an eye.
Wednesday was three days until the start of classes, and I was looking forward (sic) to sitting in the financial aid melting pot for 3 1/2 hours. Once finished, I was on my way to getting my parking decal renewed, when I received a call from a number I didn't recognize. Normally, I will let those go to voice mail, but the prefix on the number had me thinking that it could have something to do with school, so I picked up. What I heard next was not what I expected.
The voice at the other end of the phone was from someone at the Trauma Center telling me that my husband of 30 years had been in an accident and was in their care. I was strangely calm, as if this was something planned and expected. I listened as he explained what happened and my only question was "Is he alive?" The answer was yes, and he was alert and somewhat oriented. I could speak to him if I wished. Well, hell YES I want to speak to him! It was then that the story started to piece together.
Steve told me that he was at a client's house on the front porch when he was stung in the back of the neck by two yellow jackets. Steve is deathly allergic to those stings, but I was still unprepared for what he told me. He got in the car, started to drive, and about 3 blocks later, started to lose his vision and decided to pull over and call me. Thank God that didn't happen. Let me explain.
If Steve had been successful in pulling the car over and putting it in Park, no one would know that there was anything wrong and he would have died. His blood pressure had dropped and he went into anaphylactic shock behind the wheel. Since he did not get it to park, the car hit a telephone pole at what must have been a good clip, because it was severed into 3 pieces. The windshield was smashed. The radiator and fan flew out the front of the grill. The muffler and exhaust pipes hit the ground. The airbags deployed. The car stopped. If it had not happened or no one was there to see it happen, my husband would not have lived. But this happened right in front of a school and there were a lot of people around him immediately. Yes, I believe in angels. If this had happened a half hour later, the children and parents would have been there and only heaven knows what kind of toll this accident would have taken on them.
I believe that everything happened exactly as it should have for him to be alive. There were people around him immediately, helping him and calling for help. There were 6 ambulances and 2 firetrucks there almost immediately. The accident happened close to The Med and the Elvis Presley Trauma Center, and that is where he was taken. We just got health insurance a few weeks prior, and he has workmen's compensation because this happened while he was on the job. He should have internal injuries or broken bones, but he does not. Yes, I believe in angels.
Who else but an angel could have saved my husband from death by helping him to hit a telephone pole instead of letting him park the car? His car protected him from serious injury. (He is, however, still suffering with deep bruises and the pain from the airbags hitting his chest.) The angels who came to his aid got help to him immediately. The angels who manned the ambulances got him stabilized and safely to the Trauma Center. The angels at the Trauma Center took care of him until he was released to go home, and they made sure I was cared for as well. So, yes, I believe in angels.
If there was ever any doubt, take a look at the pictures I took of what is left of our Maxima. The car is a total loss because there was no collision insurance on it, but it has forced us to make changes in our lives. Look at that car and then tell me I'm wrong. I have good reason to believe in angels. Whether human or celestial, they saved my husband and gave me back my marriage, my focus and my perspective. Yes, there are angels among us. Sometimes they wear wings. At other times, they wear scrubs.
Paczki Puta